9.25.13 – Medical

September 25, 2013

Figured while I was out of commission for the knee I’d get the golfers elbow (right) taken care of.  First PRP injection morning of the 25th.

Took about a week for the pain from the injection itself to wear off.  Second injection scheduled for Oct. 9.

9.13.13 – Medical update

September 13, 2013

Soreness primarily on the outside of the ankle and in the achilles, with secondary soreness in the knee.  Definitely limping.

Happened to get in to see Sanders.  Said the knee was fine, nothing ruptured in the ankle.   4-6 weeks.

9.11.2013 – Another injury

September 11, 2013

Training drop seoi nage with Mike at lunch.  Failed to do a full turn, left my left leg out at an angle as I dropped down and took Mike’s weight.  Ankle turned out, knee turned in.  Definite pop in the ankle, only felt strain in the knee.

9.10.13 – Crossfit

September 10, 2013

Barbell Thruster
1-1-1-1-1-1-1:  95-145. 

With Migs.  Could have gone higher but ran out of time.

Partner WOD:
In teams of 2, complete the following tasks
2KB Cleans

Ended up doing 10 to 2 by 2s with Migs and Sahr.  20kg on cleans.  Lots of standing around.

9.8.13 – Crossfit

September 8, 2013

First lift back after an absolutely nasty cold caught during the NJ labor day trip.

Front Squats
@185.  Used the shoes.  Felt good, despite the cold.

3 Rounds:
10 Hang Dumbbell Snatch
10 Clapping Push Ups
1 Sled Push

50lb snatch, 100 lb sled.